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Standing Camera


Flaunt offers many options and services when it comes to creating and capturing your unique vision. To help facilitate your vision we offer our in-house photography services provided by founder Jamie Radmacher. Jamie prides herself in seeing beyond a single niche or editing style and approaches every photo session as an opportunity to create and capture a little ‘something more’. In her own words, “every person has a unique essence and I seek to understand its meaning and translate it through my art”. A sample of Jamie’s work can be found below. 


Flaunt also offers assistance to photographers. If you’re a photographer who wishes to make the most out of your rental time and would like someone to assist you in holding the reflector, setting up equipment/props or maybe to just make your coffee, we have got you covered!  


If you would like a quote for Jamie’s photography services or a photography assistant, please fill out the request form in the link provided.

Additionally, Flaunt partners with our talented creative community to provide guests with options in selecting the ideal creative to bring your unique vision to fruition. Please also consider our preferred vendors when it comes to selecting your photographer. 

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